Ashtabula Weather
Current Local Radar

Station Data
CWOP 7309


Lat: N 41 ° 53 ' 1 ''
( 41.884 ° )

Lon: W 80 ° 48 ' 42 ''
( -80.812 ° )

Elevation: 633 ft

Hardware: Davis Vantage Pro2

WeatherCat:V3.20, Build 364 (64 bit)

Mac OS X 14.2.1

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Lakeshore Snowfall-2006-15
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Ashtabula, Ohio Weather

Webcam 320 image
West16th Backyard Weather Cam 

Weather Station anemometer replaced 3/7/24

Sensor power fail 4/11 to 4/ repaired

Time of last valid data: 25 Apr 2024 6:32 PM
Current Conditions: Light Clouds

Current Weather and (Deltas)
Temperature 48.2°F (-0.1) F
Todays High 49.5 F
Todays Low 35.1 F
Humidity 52 %
Barometer 30.34 inHg (-0.01)
Dew Point 31.9°F (0.4) F
Heat Index 48.3 F
1 Hour Rain Rate 0.00 in/h (0.00) in.
Today's Rain 0.00 in.
This Months Rain 3.70 in.
Year to Date Rain 10.57 in.
Today's Snow 0.0 in.
Monthly Snow 0.0 in.
Snow Current Yr 6.0 in.
Snow last year 76.8 in.
Snow Seasonal 55.1 in.
Wind Direction NE
Wind Speed 3 MPH (-2) MPH
Wind Chill 47.6°F (1.4)
10 Min.Wind Gust 10 MPH (-3)
24 Hr. Wind Gust 16 MPH
Sunrise 6:26 AM
Sunset 8:15 PM
Hours of Daylight 13:49

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Weather Fact for the Day
The temperature in Browning, Montana (USA), fell by 56°C (100.8°F) in just 24 hours on the 23rd and 24th of January 1916. The temperature dropped from 7°C (44.6°F) to -49°C (-56.2°F) as cold weather moved in.